Registration of Your Horse

Rules and Regulations for Registration


The LHAA runs three distinct Registers.

1. Puro Sangue Lusitano Register (PSL Register):
This Register is for horses that are in the APSL Book of Births in Portugal. To apply for this register your horse MUST have both parents listed in the APSL Book of Adults in Portugal. All horses imported into Australasia that are already in the APSL Book of Births can apply to be part of this Register.

2. Cruzado Português Register (CP Register):
This register is for those horses who are of pure Lusitano breeding that may be eligible for the APSL Book of Births once either the Sire or Dam has been inspected by the APSL and has been inscribed into the APSL Adult Book.

It also includes those horses of pure Lusitano breeding that are not eligible for the APSL Book of Births as either the sire or dam (or Grandsire / Granddam etc) is unable to be inspected and upgraded into the APSL Adult Book.  

3. Luso Sport Horse (LS Register):

For horses with at least 25% Lusitano Breeding with the rest of the pedigree made up from any other population.

Important Considerations

It is important when purchasing a horse of Lusitano breeding, or when breeding to a Lusitano stallion, that you understand the Registration system to avoid disappointment.

A horse can only be inscribed into the Portuguese Book of Births with the APSL if BOTH Sire and Dam have been inscribed into the APSL Adult Book.

You can find the information on all horses in the APSL Stud Book by clicking on the link below.

The LHAA Registrar is available via email to answer any queries you may have on the eligibility of any horse.